For the first time in years, the demographics of 'who' is buying homes is changing. We're seeing a majority of sales featuring larger than 20% down payments, and not because lenders are requiring that. Quite frankly, a lot of conservative people have owned homes for many years, and have strong equity to use towards their next home. These people are a high percentage of the buyers of today. Being conservative and sensible pays off.
People buy and sell for many reasons. Today we're seeing a 'back to basics' trend, where most people buy for lifestyle reasons, not speculation. Yes, there are still speculators out there, looking for outright bargains, but what I'm discussing here, are the bread & butter transactions that make homeownership one of the strengths our society was built on. We have always been a country dedicated to the freedom of speech, and the freedom to own property.
Today is back to vanilla if you will. The stable, vanilla folks are leading the market today, because they are able to afford where they have been, as well as realistic about affording where they will go next.